Staff Development Training Calendar

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PSF’s Staff Development Team is offering the following trainings to outside agencies and their staff. Pre-registration is required and can be done by submitting the form below. Please note that there may be a cost to attend trainings for those outside PSF’s network. Contact Connie Pierre-Antoine or complete the form below for additional information. Seating is limited. Locations may vary.

Wednesday June 21, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – A Workshop on Emotional Intelligence – Come learn about how to use your emotions intelligently to gain the performance you wish to see within yourself and to achieve interpersonal effectiveness with others.

Wednesday June 21, 9:00 a.m. – Child Welfare Pre-Service Cycle 2 – First day of Pre-Service training.

Monday June 26 – Tuesday August 1 – Licensing Specialty Track – These trainings are specifically designed for those Child Welfare Professionals whose primary job is licensing foster homes.

Monday July 10, 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – A Walk In My Shoes – Join the conversation between Foster Parents and Child Welfare Professionals as we work together to improve the child welfare system. This event is taking place at Life-South Community Blood Center.

Wednesday July 12, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – 360 Caregiver Self-Appraisal Workshop – Enhance your capacity to engage, motivate, and harvest change. 360 Caregiver Self-Appraisal may be used 365 days a year with all of your birth parents!

Wednesday August 16 – Child Welfare Pre-Service Cycle 2 – Last day of Pre-Service training and Child Welfare Competency Exam.

Child abuse is preventable
We can help change the lives of many children and teens.

A hallmark of PSF’s system of care is our belief that child abuse is preventable. We have found that by providing resources and supports to families in need on the front end, many can avoid reaching the crises that lead to formal child welfare involvement functions.

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations throughout the year are a huge help to the children we serve. We accept donations by check, which can be mailed to our office or through the Philanthropy Hub link here.


Become part of a team that makes a lasting impact! No matter how much time you have to give, it is enough to make a big difference

Special Events

We often have unique opportunities to partner with us through events that are organized to benefit Partnership for Strong Families

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