Ne’Brain, 15

Ne’ Brain is a shy young man with a kind heart. You can catch him practicing his basketball skills or playing video games during his down time, but he is always up for a new adventure. He will keep you laughing with his silly jokes and great sense of humor. Ne’ Brain prefers a two-parent household of any background, but maintaining biological connections is a must. With a solid support system and guidance, Ne’ Brain has a very bright future ahead of him.

Ne’Brain’s Adoption ID is #101753357.

Sibling: Demetrius (ID#100050854).

For more information on Ne’Brain, please reach out to Keisha Battles at

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A hallmark of PSF’s system of care is our belief that child abuse is preventable. We have found that by providing resources and supports to families in need on the front end, many can avoid reaching the crises that lead to formal child welfare involvement functions.

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