Ja’Cirah, 11 & Amaziyah, 10

Ja’ Cirah is an 11-year-old, African American child who is a very insightful, kind, and athletic young lady. She’s got a competitive spirit and is always up for a new challenge; but prefers a more low-key adventure versus crowded spaces/places. She is currently interested in gymnastics and running track. Ja’ Cirah is a wonderful big sister and does well teaching her younger sister new skills, but she may need gentle reminder to just enjoy being a kid herself.  She is learning new hairstyles and practicing these.  She would benefit from a family that encourages her interests and provides patience and guidance. Ja’ Cirah would prefer an African American family and would do best in a home with older children.

Amaziyah is a 10-year-old, African American female child who is described as a “firecracker” and is strong willed.  She is a total sweetheart and will stick by your side through thick and thin. She enjoys coloring, crafts, and anything art related. Amaziyah will proudly tell you that the bows in her hair were styled herself! She looks to her big sister for guidance and loves to copy the new gymnastic skills from her. Amaziyah is open to a family of any background.

Ja’Cirah and her sister, Amaziyah are looking for their forever family who can provide patience and guidance as they build trust in their new home.

Ja’Cirah’s Adoption ID is #104992829

Amaziyah’s Adoption ID is #104992830

Sibling Group Adoption ID is #92232

For more information on Avan, please contact Keisha Battles at Keisha.Battles@pfsf.org.

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