Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of a local child’s success story! Which journey are you interested in taking?
I want to become a foster parent, and open my heart and home to a child until they are able to safely return home!
I want to grow my family through adoption!
Not sure which one? Partner Families, PSF’s term for foster parents, are special people who open their hearts and homes to children in need of safety, love and nurturing. Partner Families work with biological parents, Family Care Counselors, Guardians ad Litem, counselors and other child welfare professionals to work toward safe reunification with their parent(s).
When reunification with biological parents does not happen, PSF’s adoptive families step up to welcome to child permanently into their home. In the adoption process, all parental rights are transferred to the adoptive parents.
If you still aren’t sure which route is best for your family, give our recruitment specialist a call at 352.244.1608.