Case Management Changes at Partnership for Strong Families

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GAINESVILLE, FLA – Partnership for Strong Families, Inc., (PSF) shares this announcement regarding a change in one of our subcontracted case management agencies. Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Florida has served Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, and Levy counties as PSF’s case management agency since 2007. Effective July 1, 2021 this contract will be now managed by Lutheran Services Florida (LSF).
Mike Carroll, Executive Vice President of Programs for LSF will bring his many years of child welfare experience, including as Secretary of the Department of Children and Families, to our clients and partners. “We are excited to expand our Case Management Services to North Central Florida,” said Mr. Carroll. “Partnership for Strong Families has been a leader for children’s services since 2003 and we look forward to joining forces.” Lisa Mayrose, Regional Director of LSF, will oversee the program through supervision of the Program Director in our catchment area.
The transition from Devereux to Lutheran Services Florida will cause no disruption in the system or cases that are currently being managed. “We at Devereux have really enjoyed working with PSF for the past fourteen years,” said Lisa Kroger, Executive Director. “We are passionate about doing what is best for children in our care and know that Lutheran Services Florida will continue to serve the children and families in these counties with the same passion.”
The process for selecting a new subcontracted case management agency was done through an open procurement process. LSF was selected from among four applicants. “The experience, diversity of current services around the state, and their dynamic leadership team are strengths of Lutheran Services Florida. We know they will be a great asset to the counties we serve. We extend our thanks and appreciation to Devereux for the dedicated support they have provided to children and families in our area, and we are thankful for their continuing generous efforts to make the transition as seamless as possible,” said Stephen Pennypacker, CEO of Partnership for Strong Families.

Child abuse is preventable
We can help change the lives of many children and teens.

A hallmark of PSF’s system of care is our belief that child abuse is preventable. We have found that by providing resources and supports to families in need on the front end, many can avoid reaching the crises that lead to formal child welfare involvement functions.

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