Regina, 16

Regina has a beautiful smile that lights up her entire face. She is a spunky 16-year-old girl who enjoys art, painting, drawing, and cooking. She likes all types of food, and her favorite colors are red, black, white, baby blue, sage, and green. When Regina grows up, she wants to be a Veterinarian, Chef, Nail Tech, and/or a Beautician. Regina would like to be adopted by either a nurturing two parent or nurturing single parent family who displays patience and love. Regina is accepting of animals and older children living in the home but would also do well as the only child. Regina would do well with structure, but also the independence of being able to be a teenaged girl. Regina would like to participate in piano lessons one day.

Regina’s adoption ID is #109501166.

For more information on Regina, please contact Tina Buie at

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A hallmark of PSF’s system of care is our belief that child abuse is preventable. We have found that by providing resources and supports to families in need on the front end, many can avoid reaching the crises that lead to formal child welfare involvement functions.

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